Sunday, November 3, 2019

New Health Insurance Requirement
- Who Does It Apply To?

health insurance requirement The new health insurance requirement for persons applying for green cards abroad was scheduled to go into effect on November 3, 2019.  It could prevent hundreds of thousands of persons from getting green cards. However, on November 2, 2019, a Federal Judge issued a nationwide temporary restraining order which blocks the implementation of the health insurance requirement. Below, we explain the new health insurance requirement, who it applies to and whether it is likely that it will become effective on November 3. We also provide links to relevant web pages and will continue to update this article as deadline approaches.

Health Insurance Requirement

In a statement dated October 4, President Trump put announced a Presidential Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Will Financially Burden the United States Healthcare System.

The Proclamation provides as follows:

"(a)  The entry into the United States as immigrants of aliens who will financially burden the United States healthcare system is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.  An alien will financially burden the United States healthcare system unless the alien will be covered by approved health insurance, as defined in subsection (b) of this section, within 30 days of the alien’s entry into the United States, or unless the alien possesses the financial resources to pay for reasonably foreseeable medical costs." In other words, a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad may deny an immigrant visa to a person who lacks health insurance in the U.S. or who he/she believes is likely to obtain healthcare benefits which are even partly subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.   This would includes not only Medicaid, but even coverage which is, in part, subsidized under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). Therefore, it is important that persons sponsoring their relatives for green cards help them to obtain private health insurance in the U.S. before they attend their immigrant visa interviews abroad.

Does the New Health Insurance Requirement Apply To You?

Unlike the proposed Public Charge Rule which applies to nearly everyone, the new Health Insurance Requirement applies only to persons who are applying for green cards at U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad. It does not apply to persons who are applying to adjust their status in the U.S.  Nor does it apply to those applying for temporary visas or to extend or change their nonimmigrant status in the U.S.

Furthermore, the Proclamation states that it does not apply to  

  • Persons who already have green cards;
  • Returning residents;
  • Children of U.S. citizens;
  • Refugees;
  • Persons from Iraq or Afghanistan who qualify for Special Immigrant Visas;
  • Certain parents of U.S. citizens; and
  • A variety of other classes of immigrants.

Despite this, the Migration Policy Institute estimates that "the new health insurance requirement could prohibit the entry of roughly 375,000 immigrants annually — mainly family-based immigrants who make up the majority of those getting green cards from abroad." Since most employment-based immigrants adjust their status in the U.S., they are not subject to the new requirement. One exception, however, is registered nurses, who, due to the absence of temporary working visas, must immigrate from abroad. It is, therefore, incumbent on their sponsoring employers to include in their contracts a clause which guarantees that they and their spouses and children will receive health insurance within 30 days of their arrival in the U.S.

Will the Health Insurance Requirement Go Into Effect on November 3, 2019?

We can expect this new proclamation to be challenged in court before its scheduled implementation on November 3. If so, Federal Judges may issue injunctions preventing the Administration from enforcing the proclamation just like the many executive actions targeting legal immigration before it. With the timing of this proclamation so near to the Health Insurance Marketplace’s open enrollment period — which begins on November 1 and ends on December 15 — both health care and immigrant advocates will push against the administration’s attempts to disrupt the health insurance market and target a legal path to immigration. Otherwise, persons who have been waiting in line for green cards for many years, or even decades, could be blocked from reuniting with their families in the U.S. by reason of this last minute executive overreach.

Health Insurance Requirement - Additional Resources

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How-To Immigration Videos

At our law firm, we believe the best decision makers are people who are properly informed about immigration laws and policies. For this reason, we have created “how-to” videos to educate individuals about our changing immigration system. If you have any additional questions or inquiries, please visit our website or give us a call at 213-623-4592 ext. 0 to schedule a consultation. 

US Citizenship Videos

US Citizenship through Naturalization (Part One)
US Citizenship through Naturalization (Part Two)
US Citizenship through Parents & Grandparents

How to Get a Green Card

Green Card through Marriage
Green Cards for Family Members

Employment-Based Videos 

How to Get a Green Card through Employment
Understanding the Visa Bulletin: Employment-Based Categories
EB5 General Overview
EB-5 Investor Visas
Direct EB-5s
H-1B Visa Guide: What You Need to Know  
H-4 Spouses: Apply for EADs
L Visas for Executives and Managers
L Visas for Persons with Specialized Knowledge
O Visas for Persons of Extraordinary Ability
P Visas for Entertainers, Athletes and Artists

Adjustment of Status Videos 

Adjustment of Status
Benefits of Section 245(i) Adjustment of Status

Immigration Help for Registered Nurses

US Immigration for Registered Nurses
Immigration for Nurses: Free Legal Assistance
Immigration for Nurses: Consulate Green Card Process

Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) Videos 

CSPA Case Heads to the Supreme Court
How the Child Status Protection Act Can Help You (Part 1) 
How the Child Status Protection Act Can Help You (Part 2) 

Immigration Assistance for Physicians & Medical Graduates 

Physician Immigration: A Step-by-Step Guide 
Physician: Non-EB Immigration
Physicians: Federal IGA Waivers
J Status for IMGs: The Consequences
J Waivers for IMGs – Part 1 J Waivers for IMGs – Part 2
Conrad 30 Waivers for Physicians

Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Videos 

Unlawful Presence Bars and Waivers
I-601A Provisional Waivers
I-601A Provisional Waivers: Expanded Coverage

Surviving an I-9 Audit 

How to Survive an I-9 Audit (Part 1)
How to Survive an I-9 Audit (Part 2)

Best Strategies for Winning Your Immigration Court Case

How to Win Your Case in Immigration Court Winning Your Case in Immigration Court Canadian Orphan Gains Permission to Join Family in the U.S Honor Student Beats Deportation How to Win Your Asylum Case Cancellation of Removal for Non-Permanent Residents

Stop Your Deportation Under Pereira V. Sessions

How to Stop Deportation Under Pereira v. Sessions
Stop Deportations Under Pereira v. Sessions

Family-Based Immigration 

Family Preference Categories: An Introduction
Family-Based Immigration: Speeding Up Your Case
Understanding the Visa Bulletin: Family-Based Categories

The Law Offices of Carl Shusterman on News Outlets

CNN Interviews Attorney Angeline Chen about Situation at the Mexican Border Attorney 
Shusterman on CBS News: Melania Trump & Chain Migration?
Discussion on Trump's Immigration Ban on ABC 7
Attorney Angeline Chen on CTV News

Other Immigration Assistance Videos 

Free Immigration Assistance
How to Select an Immigration Lawyer
How to Get a Copy of your Immigration File
Preparing for Your USCIS Interview
What to Do After TPS Ends Paths to Stay Here Legally
DACA: How to Qualify
I-751 Waivers: The Essential Guide
Federal Interested Government Agency (IGA) Waivers
Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2009 Senate Testimony  

Recursos y Ayuda Migratoria (Videos en Español)

Residencia permanente por matrimonio
Cómo obtener una tarjeta verde a través del matrimonio
Cómo ganar en la corte de inmigración
Cómo ganar su caso de asilo
Cancelación de deportación para residentes no permanentes
Estudiante con honores le gana a la deportación
Cómo convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense (Parte 1)
Cómo convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense (Parte 2)
Ciudadanía estadounidense a través de padres y abuelos
Exenciones provisionales I-601A
Reforma migratoria: lo que debe saber
Cómo elegir un abogado de inmigración
Abogado Shusterman ante el senado de EE. UU.

Green Card through Marriage (Videos in Mandarin & Korean)

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