Please note: This blog post was originally published on Saturday, June 12, 2010.
It seems that every time you breathe in and breathe out, there is a new immigration story or event which may affect you.
How do you keep up with all of this without driving yourself totally crazy?
Yes, there is the Internet. But there are thousands of attorneys and multiple government agencies all posting immigration news at the same time. You could subscribe to all of their mailing lists, but would you ever be able to work, eat, or sleep, much less talk with your spouse and kids every once in a while? TMI – Too Much Information!
We think that there is a better answer, at least as it pertains to the immigration information that our law firm posts on the Internet.
It took us a while to discover it. In 1995, we started a website devoted to help folks understand U.S. immigration laws and procedures, and the next year, we began publishing a monthly e-mail newsletter.
Two years ago, we started recording videos explaining how to get a green card (through marriage, employment, and relatives), how to win your case in Immigration Court, how to become a U.S. citizen, how to select an immigration attorney, etc.
Last year, we started a Blog where we link to and comment on the latest immigration developments on a weekly basis.
These days, our e-mail newsletter has over 60,000 subscribers. There are a far lesser number of subscribers to our YouTube channel and to our Blog. We realize that it is a little much to expect readers to subscribe to all three. So how do we make this simple?
Surprisingly, we discovered the answer last week.
We started a Facebook page. Facebook? Isn’t that where your “friends” tell you vital information like what they had for lunch, and where they are going this weekend? Yes it is, but bear with us for a minute more and we’ll explain why this is different.
For example, whenever a new Visa Bulletin is issued, we immediately post it online and also link to it from our Facebook page. As soon as our monthly immigration newsletter is e-mailed to subscribers, we immediately link to it from our Facebook page. The same with our videos, our blog posts, our Twitter page, and the latest immigration news.
This way, our readers can keep up with the latest news and events in the immigration world without driving themselves nuts and without having to establish three or four different accounts to view the information compiled by our law firm.
One more thing: Our Facebook page is interactive, so you can comment on any of our
posts. You write “The USCIS is totally wrong about…”, or “Congress should get it’s act together…”, and others can join in.
We are excited about our new Facebook page, and we hope you will be as well. Please let us know what you think online. We are listening.
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